Last year, our Seed & Plant Swap was a resounding success with over 70 people attending… we thought we’d do it again!
Please ensure your seeds are clean and dry, and clearly labelled with the variety and date. If you don’t have seeds to swap, you are still welcome to collect some free of charge
You can bring
Opened or unopened packets of bought seed
Saved seed (as long as you are confident they will breed true!)
1-2 year old seeds if they have been stored well
Spare seedlings & plants too!
Stay for chat over a cuppa and some delicious food from hheart bakery
Put your questions to experienced seed saver and growers David Price and Kate Ayre
Get information, advice and free trees from Graham Pleasants, Director at the Suffolk Tree Warden Network
Enjoy a rare opportunity to go on a tour of Hodmedod’s Bean Store and browse the packing shelves for the full range of pulses, grains, edible seeds and more.
You might like to spend the whole day with Barleybird and attend our Introduction to Seed Saving Workshop - Part 2! See details on our website.